What To Do If You Have Lost A Pet

As soon as possible, you should:

  • Ask neighbors.  Drive around your neighborhood.
  • In your neighborhood, post fliers with a picture.  Bring a copy to the Humane Society of Northwest Georgia, and we will display at our center.
  • Ask if you can post a flier in the veterinarian’s offices.
  • Email a picture and description of the pet to info@hsnwga.org.  Include information about when and where the animal was last seen.  The information will be sent to the volunteers of the Humane Society.
  • Check with Whitfield County Animal Control at (706) 278-2018 EVERYDAY. Stray animals are kept 5 days before they are euthanized or given to the Humane Society.  Keep checking with Animal Control.  An animal may be running loose for a while before it is picked up by Animal Control.  Also check with the Animal Control Pounds in Catoosa, Murray, and Gordon Counties.
  • Advertise on the local radio station.  Call (706) 278-5511.
  • Place an ad in the local newspaper:  Daily Citizen News, (706) 217-6397.  This is a free service.
  • Check at the flea markets on the weekends.  Some people are stealing dogs and selling them at the flea market the next weekend.
  • Send emails, post on Facebook, post on all available web pages and social networking available.
  • Find Toto
  • Petfinder
  • Fido Finder
  • Helping Lost Pets